Seven Years of Highly Defective People: Scot Adams’ Guided Tour of the Evolution of Dilbert
PN 6727 .A3 D55286 1997
If you have ever worked a day in your life, Dilbert is funny (unless you’re in management, in which case you’re not allowed to admit that Dilbert is funny). The clueless customer, the socially awkward moment with an acquaintance, the obnoxious co-worker, the mysterious and impractical decisions from the elusive upper management, these are all familiar to us. Dilbert makes us laugh because the characters say what we are all thinking when presented with an absurd situation, a stereotypically awful co-worker, or a frustrating work moment.
Adams’ anthology presents his most popular characters in their artistic evolution from their first appearance in the comic strip to the personalities they have become. Beneath each strip, Adams has scribbled a note relating a story, a comment, an inside joke, or something to describe what was happening in his life to inspire each strip.
You can enjoy this book in depth, following the evolution of Dilbert, or flip through for a quick chuckle on the awkwardness of life.